My works deals with nature and its application into the aesthetic fabric. While I stand as a viewer who is enchanted by the beauty of nature I want to express new order by choosing a different composition and personal perspective. With my paintings I talk about the continually renewed, the growth and the extinction and the wonder of being the creator and the creation at the same time.
The more I observe and research the nature that surrounds me, the more I am amazed by It. Looking at the phenomena of nature and the amazing programming that exists in it. I have found through art an opportunity to connect to the endless power that exists there.
Recently, in addition to the oil paintings, I have also started working in 3D, using palm trees, bark and tree branches that I create new vegetation, tree tops, imaginary flora or snowy corals, I am molding out of papier-mâché, and while I am soaking my fingers in the grace that is present here, as nature its self, I become both the creator and the creation.
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